Monday, February 9, 2009

Day 26 -- What a Piece of Junk! UPDATED 12/19/09

I bought this other day at JoAnn's. It is supposed to be a corner rounder that does two different sized corner rounds. Well, I have yet to get a single rounded corner of ANY size out of this thing! It seems simple enough to use, so I don't really think I am doing anything wrong. I'm taking it back to the store tomorrow and either they are going to teach me how to use it so that I can get nice rounded corners in two sizes or they are giving me my money AND my coupon back! UGH! I hate it when I buy stuff that doesn't work like it's supposed to! Grrrrrr!

UPDATE 12/19/09: Okay, I've been using this for a few months now and am having better luck with it. I have been told that there was a bad batch that went out and I may have one of them. I haven't called Fiskars about it though, because MOST of the time I can get good corners now. I just have to be sure the paper doesn't move away from the guide. The tiniest little slip and my corners will come out funky. Also, I tap the rounder on the table after rounding a corner to make sure the scrap falls out. It seems like if I let them build up inside it will mess up my corners. So, would I recommend this tool? Maybe...I love that it makes two sizes of corners, so less tools on my table, but I do wish it weren't so finicky and more reliable.

1 comment:

  1. Oh My! Looks hard to use to begin with. Get your coupon and your money back.
    My 365 is lacking big time. I am having issues uploading pictures to blogger. There is sme stupid setting in my virus protection that I can't figure out how to turn off!!!


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